Hair camouflage


For a modern man it becomes more and more common to take care of his beard. What else but the beard makes you look proper cool? We can say with a high degree of confidence, that women are attracted by unshaven face. Beards awoke associations with men’s power, masculine values and brutality.

But every experienced bearded man, at least once, has faced the problem of so-called “bald spots” in his beard, unevenness of hair colour, and of course, the problem of gray hair.

     At “Barboss” on Bogdan Khmelnitsky St., 47 you can easily fix the problem of gray hair and other color nuances of your beard. All you need is to book our beard camouflage service. Any of our barbers will be glad to take care of you.

     Hair colouring and beard camouflage should not be confused with each other. The skin on your face is much more sensitive, that’s why for your beard we apply products based on gentle components, which do not cause allergic reactions or skin irritation. Such method of a gray hair camouflage gives the most natural tone and excludes so called “mask” effect. We also note that beard camouflage effect lasts for one month and the colour washes off very gradually. 

     In our barbershop we use only the best hair-dyeing products from the most trusted manufacturers and our wide palette of colors will help you to choose the tone from the lightest to coal-black. We camouflage without ammonia and peroxide-based oxidants, so even men with sensitive skin can enjoy this procedure at “Barboss”. 

     After the procedure the barber applies beard oil and spreads it evenly on your stubble, which prevents dry skin and hair damage. 

     The speed of procedure is a great benefit. Our barbers do beard camouflage in 30 minutes. While you are enjoying a cup of aromatic coffee in the barber’s chair you can list your wishes and then it will take us a couple of minutes to find the right shade for you, another couple of minutes to make the right mix, then the mix is applied to your beard for no longer than 5-10 minutes, after which the barber washes the mix off, applies special oil and it’s done!

     As far as you can see, we are really good at what we do and we also regularly organize master classes to raise our competence level.

     So welcome to us! For an extra touch of luxury, book a beard camouflage procedure at “Barboss” on Bogdan Khmelnitsky St. 47.